Here's how it goes...
You drop me some info on your project. I have a squiz. We jump on a quick phone or video call to chat more and make sure we’re a good fit.
I send you a proposal, including a quote, timeframe + my Ts & Cs. You give me the go-ahead, pay a deposit and secure your spot.
We meet virtually (or maybe in person if you’re in Hamilton) to chat about your brand, the project and all sorts of other juicy things like your points of difference, target market and brand voice. (Don’t worry, I send you my list of questions beforehand so you’re prepared).
I get cracking on this vital piece of the copywriting puzzle. Depending on the project, this may include keyword research, voice of customer research and analysis (with the help of AI tools like chat GPT). I also have a peep at your key competitors so I can make sure your messaging stands out.
With all that precious insight gathered, I put pen to paper…or rather fingers to keyboard and tap tappity tap out some sparkly, strategic and downright spectacular copy. Once again, I use my knowledge of AI tools here to get even better, sparklier and more creative copy. We go through a few rounds of collaborative revisions to make sure it’s just right.
I give the copy a final scrub and polish (aka proofread) until it’s shinier than a peacock’s feature, then hand it over for you to release into the wild.
Socks well and truly knocked off, you happy dance yourself into oblivion. Or at least to the fridge to crack open a celebratory beverage.